Performing Digital Arts
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These phenomenal audiovisual tricycles lovingly called “Suaveciclos” are used to project original animations on almost any nearby public surface.The São Paulo-based artists Marotta & Soloaga pack these hefty trikes to the gills with all manner of batteries, laptops, speakers, and high-powered projectors so they can roll through the night with crowds in tow as their animations spring to life against the urban backdrop. Using the onboard computers they are able to manipulate the videos in real-time to play certain animations tailored to different environments, creating unpredictable moments between space, audience, and art.

Suave Ciclo
Find out moreThe two roving nomads of the digital era have fused interactive technology with street art, using custom-fitted tricycles called Suaveciclo” that carry speakers and projector equipment. VJ SUAVE describe their work as “ Digital Graffiti”, created mainly using traditional animation which allows them to edit and play their Whimsical animations in Real-Time. The artist duo have made public artwork that's mobile, interactive, and constantly changing.
Find out moreVJ SUAVE has used the app, in conjunction with traditional animation techniques, to create street art for years. By projecting animation onto buildings, walls and streets, they create temporary and eye-grabbing works.