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- Resident Promoter of performing arts from the Arab World
The South Bank Centre- London- Europe’s largest venue for the arts - BBC World Artists Awards Ceremony
- Panel Jury Selection for WOMEX. The biggest Worldwide Music Expo
- World Family Show Productions for the First opening season- Opera of Algiers-
- Artistic World Production & Stage Management- For Oman Ministry of Tourism & Heritage
- International stage of Salalah Festival
- Sahara Blues. Corporate Concert commissioned by
Sonatrach. Her Majesty's Theatre. London - Mega Show Producer of World artists SAMI YUSUF- MAHER ZAIN-
Part of Algiers Capital of Arab Cultures Year Event - Associate Promoter of Bahrain Spring of Culture & Summer of Bahrain Festivals
- Visual Installations & Digital Storytelling- Festival of Lights- for the Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem Cultural Centre- Kuwait-
Owned by AMIRI DIWAN - Family Shows associate promoter for Sheikh Jaber Al- Ahmed Cultural Centre -JAAC- Kuwait-
Owned BY AMIRI DIWAN - Executive Producer- Series of Arts Program from Inside the Sahara Desert- Commissioned by CNN
- The Andalusian Bus. Film Documentary on the golden age
of Sung poems from Alhambra - AlJazeera Documentary- - Family Performing Arts & Educational Programs Consultant
- Algerian Ministry of Culture-
Proud to be part of your journey ...